A simple, universal UX enhancement

UI and UX aspects pays nowadays a tremendous role in application development. Yet there is little advance since the release of the Desktop and Windows concepts.
I think these paradigms of interaction should be reconsidered and a re-evaluation of psychical impact should be further researched.
This interaction not only exercises a subliminal coercion but in time it has cemented some mechanistic behaviors which extended to everyday life. And that accounts for small but stressful accumulating factors so we must acknowledge the interaction with the PC and nowadays devices are far for being an ally, an enhancement of our well being.
One simple enhancement that I think it was overlooked and still do not understand why it is not implemented at all it is a clickable “nothing” menu entry. While in the process of human activity there is room for reevaluation the actual UI does not allow a natural state of: I changed my mind, so I have to click somewhere else, and thus produce an undesired click event somewhere I should decide where. That is obviously not only time consuming but also adds subliminally an anxiety factor to the interaction.
That is I propose the DoNothing escape entry in context menus as a must for a better UX experience:

Here the: Nothing to do 🙂 menu entry I used for the SoundX multimedia player in year 2000. By the way this tool still works, just as a side note it can be downloaded here. (excuse some bugs, use at your own risk!)

MD5 checksum: f2c23029ebf30c8b34d4c4a7b90fdb7d *SoundX0.2.3.2000.zip

Software Development Methodologies

Methodologies include:
Lean Development (LD)
Agile Software Development
Crystal Methods
Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
Joint Application Development (JAD)
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
Rational Unified Process (RUP)
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Waterfall (a.k.a. Traditional)


DevOps promotes a set of processes and methods for thinking about communication and collaboration – between departments of development, QA (quality assurance), and IT operations. It should be noted that it should not be seen and thus deployed as an independent department / operations team, rather as a mindset across the development and operations teams within the company.
In some organizations, this collaboration involves embedding IT operations specialists within software development teams, thus forming a cross-functional team – this may also be combined with matrix management.

Working medium for DevOps: do it multi-thread but beware the wait flags. Do not wait approval to do great things. Patch even if not perfect, do not wait for approval, failure is good. Work as a reactive intelligent unit, not on automation pilot. Automation pilot is also when you are too organized!

“In response to a message that it receives, an actor can: make local decisions, create more actors, send more messages, and determine how to respond to the next message received. Actors may modify private state, but can only affect each other through messages (avoiding the need for any locks).”

On software development there are laws on design and productivity, one of it is Conway’s law, and others applicable from the natural world, others really counterintuitive.

Organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

— M. Conway

Corollary: organize your work, your teams, your organisation to work decoupled, decentralised in an unserialized way and feeling happy.