SingSong: Generating musical accompaniments from singing
Chris Donahue, Antoine Caillon1, Adam Roberts, Ethan Manilow, Philippe Esling1, Andrea Agostinelli, Mauro Verzetti, Ian Simon, Olivier Pietquin, Neil Zeghidour, Jesse Engel Google Research, 1IRCAM, Equal Contribution
We present SingSong, a system which generates instrumental music to accompany input vocals, potentially offering musicians and non-musicians alike an intuitive new way to create music featuring their own voice. To accomplish this, we build on recent developments in musical source separation and audio generation. Specifically, we apply a state-of-the-art source separation algorithm to a large corpus of music audio to produce aligned pairs of vocals and instrumental sources. Then, we adapt AudioLM—a state-of-the-art approach for unconditional audio generation—to be suitable for conditional ”audio-to-audio” generation tasks, and train it on the source-separated (vocal, instrumental) pairs. To improve our system’s generalization from source-separated training data (where the vocals contain artifacts of the instrumental) to isolated vocals we might expect from users, we explore a number of different featurizations of vocal inputs, the best of which improves quantitative performance on isolated vocals by 53% relative to the default AudioLM featurization. In a pairwise comparison with the same vocal inputs, listeners expressed a significant preference for instrumentals generated by SingSong compared to those from a strong retrieval baseline.
We introduce Noise2Music, where a series of diffusion models is trained to generate high-quality 30-second music clips from text prompts. Two types of diffusion models, a generator model, which generates an intermediate representation conditioned on text, and a cascader model, which generates high-fidelity audio conditioned on the intermediate representation and possibly the text, are trained and utilized in succession to generate high-fidelity music.
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AudioLDM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Diffusion Models
Haohe Liu, Zehua Chen, Yi Yuan, Xinhao Mei, Xubo Liu, Danilo Mandic, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley
Text-to-audio (TTA) system has recently gained attention for its ability to synthesize general audio based on text descriptions. However, previous studies in TTA have limited generation quality with high computational costs. In this study, we propose AudioLDM, a TTA system that is built on a latent space to learn the continuous audio representations from contrastive language-audio pretraining (CLAP) latents. The pretrained CLAP models enable us to train LDMs with audio embedding while providing text embedding as a condition during sampling. By learning the latent representations of audio signals and their compositions without modeling the cross-modal relationship, AudioLDM is advantageous in both generation quality and computational efficiency. Trained on AudioCaps with a single GPU, AudioLDM achieves state-of-the-art TTA performance measured by both objective and subjective metrics (e.g., frechet distance). Moreover, AudioLDM is the first TTA system that enables various text-guided audio manipulations (e.g., style transfer) in a zero-shot fashion. Our implementation and demos are available at this https URL.
Byte Pair Encoding for Symbolic Music
Symbolic Music: Music stored in a notation-based format (e.g., MIDI), which contains excplicit information about note onsets and pitch on individual tracks (for different instruments), but in contrast to Digital Audio no sound.
Nathan Fradet, Jean-Pierre Briot, Fabien Chhel, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Nicolas Gutowski
The symbolic music modality is nowadays mostly represented as discrete and used with sequential models such as Transformers, for deep learning tasks. Recent research put efforts on the tokenization, i.e. the conversion of data into sequences of integers intelligible to such models. This can be achieved by many ways as music can be composed of simultaneous tracks, of simultaneous notes with several attributes. Until now, the proposed tokenizations are based on small vocabularies describing the note attributes and time events, resulting in fairly long token sequences. In this paper, we show how Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) can improve the results of deep learning models while improving its performances. We experiment on music generation and composer classification, and study the impact of BPE on how models learn the embeddings, and show that it can help to increase their isotropy, i.e., the uniformity of the variance of their positions in the space.
AudioLM – A Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation
Zalán Borsos, Raphaël Marinier, Damien Vincent, Eugene Kharitonov, Olivier Pietquin, Matt Sharifi, Olivier Teboul, David Grangier, Marco Tagliasacchi, Neil Zeghidour
Abstract. We introduce AudioLM, a framework for high-quality audio generation with long-term consistency. AudioLM maps the input audio to a sequence of discrete tokens and casts audio generation as a language modeling task in this representation space. We show how existing audio tokenizers provide different trade-offs between reconstruction quality and long-term structure, and we propose a hybrid tokenization scheme to achieve both objectives. Namely, we leverage the discretized activations of a masked language model pre-trained on audio to capture long-term structure and the discrete codes produced by a neural audio codec to achieve high-quality synthesis. By training on large corpora of raw audio waveforms, AudioLM learns to generate natural and coherent continuations given short prompts. When trained on speech, and without any transcript or annotation, AudioLM generates syntactically and semantically plausible speech continuations while also maintaining speaker identity and prosody for unseen speakers. Furthermore, we demonstrate how our approach extends beyond speech by generating coherent piano music continuations, despite being trained without any symbolic representation of music.
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