The vision of tomorrow’s manufacturing: In intelligent factories, machines, raw materials, and products communicate within an “Internet of things” and cooperatively drive production. Products find their way independently through the production process. The objective: highly flexible, individualized and resource-friendly mass production. That is the vision for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In industrial context also known as Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
IoT platforms kinds: IoT Application Enablement Platforms, IoT Device Management Platforms, IoT Cloud Storage Platforms (IaaS), IoT Analytics Platforms, IoT Connectivity Backend (Platforms). The world of IoT and Manufacturing integrates also VR and Cloud technology in order to achieve the Digital Factory of the near future.
Category: PLM & PDM
In the Industry 4.0 context, essential themes about the PLM/PDM concepts and tools from the perspective of the modern infrastructure and platforms of product development across the entire lifecycle. About connectivity and collaboration, about product data and Cloud and IoT, automatization, smart Digital Twin and beyond.
PLM: A database system for managing products & processes, for collecting, controlling and publishing approved product configurations.
PDM: A file-based system for managing 3D models of physical objects in CAE/CAD software.